Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Being Black in Turkey- You should have warned us!

By Mosa Nkoko 

The Land Beyond My Home - August 3, 2015

I am sitting here thinking of how I should introduce this topic to you because I have a lot to say.  First of all let me start by saying, hi! My name is Mosa and I am a black African; you already knew that didn’t you? I find it very hard to believe that in this era black people continue to cause a great stare amongst other races. Look! I am not about to pull a race card on you, No! I am not about that life. In my recent posts I have talked about my personal experiences abroad but this time on behalf of all black people in Turkey, I don’t care whether you are an African American or a black African; as long as you are black this is probably your everyday life story and these are just higlights.
While back at home, I never really thought much about my race until I came to Turkey. I mean, I know I am black but it was never an issue for me. Many people have asked me what’s it like being black in Turkey and I have often responded by telling them that had they asked me that question two years ago I would have said it’s a nightmare that I wish upon no enemy of mine. I would have told you that Turkish people are Racists but that’s not the case. I actually think the word “Racist” it’s a very strong word to use especially when one is talking about the Turkish society, in fact take that word and throw it in the garbage bin; burn it if you can. Let’s just say some of the Turkish people have racial prejudice while others turn to be way over curious; it’s in their nature. When they see something foreign to them they want to look, touch and feel it. Turks not only stare at black people but everyone who looks different from them but I suppose when it comes to us it is on another different level.


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