Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Colonial Nature of African Dictatorships

HUFFINGTON POST - 11/06/2017

In writing about Forbes Burnham’s dictatorial regime in Guyana, Walter Rodney explained: “Hitler had a mad wish to rule the world. For this reason, he is generally described as a megalomaniac. Hitler’s megalomania was backed by the powerful German economy and the might of the German army. Burnham’s megalomania is closer to comedy and farce. It takes the form of wearing a General’s uniform and hoping that the army will conquer his own people.” Walter Rodney was describing the dictatorship of Burnham in Guyana and his description could just as easily be applied to African dictators as well. These are dictators who rule over small and impoverished countries, and often resort to using military force to subdue their own people. These are dictators like Faure Gnassingbé of Togo.