Friday, August 15, 2014

Africa: Another Apple of Discord Between China and US?

Marina Dzhashi

Rianovosti - 14/08/2014

Africa holds great economic potential for foreign investment, however the ongoing local conflicts present a lot of threats associated with the opportunities. Find out what developments are likely to follow as a result of the summit and what's in store for Africa in this edition of Agree or Disagree.
As a continent of great economic potential and strategic importance Africa attracts investors from abroad with the Chinese investment so far being the most aggressive. Some analysts believe that  China and the US rivalry over Africa may escalate to the point of cold war.
Radio VR’s Agree or Disagree discusses how justified this view is withGeorge Koo, the founder of Strategic Alliances and Brendon O' Reilly, a journalist and writer for China Outlook. Nearly 50 African heads of state converged on Washington DC to discuss how to strengthen ties between the US and one of the world's fastest-growing regions.


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