Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A new project of the Black Left Unity Network (BLUN).

Comrades and friends:

We are launching a new website to showcase our Black Liberation Theoreticians project. This is a project of the Black Left Unity Network (BLUN).
This project is an attempt to be inclusive of Black people who are part of the freedom movement, part of the anti-capitalist , anti-racist, and anti-patriarchy forces spread out all over the country. This is representative of the Black left that actually exists. These people share more in common that the various issues that divide them. We think it is necessary for all of these forces to be in dialogue with each other and to maximize the possibility of unity of action.
We send out links on an individual every day. If you would like to get this as a daily email we can hook you up.

There are an equal number of men and women.
There are political as well as cultural workers in this directory.
All of the people in the directory are currently alive, and veterans of the struggle.
We will soon turn to the ancestors and begin to include those who have made their transition.
Also, we will begin to include brothers and sisters from the African Diaspora as well.
We invite discussion and especially welcome suggestions to add people to this project. This is not just a project for “famous” people. We need to include people at every local site of resistance, every organization, every tendency in our movement.

The BLUN needs you!

Abdul Alkalimat

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