Written by Mridula Chari, Scroll
June 30, 2015 Quartz India
When people think of Africans in Indian history, Malik Ambar tends to be the first name to come to mind. Brought to Ahmadnagar as a warrior-slave in the 16th century, he rose to be the general of the Deccan sultanate’s army—and eventually its regent. Yet, Ambar was only the most successful of thousands of Africans brought to India by Arab and Portuguese slavers across the Arabian Sea. Thousands of others came as mercenaries and merchants. Today, the Sidis—as people of African origin living in India for centuries call themselves—are a fast disappearing community. Separated by appearance, if not by culture, they are largely misunderstood.
The best way of learning to be an independent sovereign state is to be an independent sovereign state. Kwame Nkrumah
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Friday, December 25, 2015
Turkiye'de Afrika Calismalari - African Studies in Turkey
Kararan Kapitalizm Yeni Güney Afrika
Tolga Tören
2014 - SAV (Sosyal Araştırmalar Vakfı)
"Irk olgusu ile hesaplaşmadan bugünkü Güney Afrika anlaşılabilir mi?", "Irk olgusu, ülkenin kapitalist gelişme sürecinden bağımsız bir biçimde ele alınabilir mi?", "Irkçılık ya da apartheid, hangi toplumsal dinamiklerin, yapısal ya da öznel faktörlerin sonucunda ortaya çıktı, ülkenin bir gerçekliği haline geldi ve ortadan kalktı" gibi sorular bu çalışmanın ilk adımlarını oluşturuyor.
Afrika Rüyası (Günlük)
Che Guevara
2006 - Everest Yayınları
'Yürüdüğüm yol boyunca kendimi hiç bu kadar yalnız hissetmemiştim.' Che, Kongo'dan ayrılmak üzere Tanganika Gölü'nü son defa geçerken bunları yazıyordu günlüğüne. Che'nin Kongo'dan savaşarak geçirdiği yedi ayda tuttuğu bu savaş günlüğü, bir rüyanın, emperyalizme karşı mücadeleyi, dünyanın başka köşelerindeki ve Latin Amerika'daki devrimci dalgayı Afrika'ya yayma rüyasının öyküsüdü. Fakat Che'nin kendi sözleriyle, bir başarısızlığın öyküsü haline de dönüşen bir rüyadır bu. Yine de Che bu deneyime çok büyük bir önem atfediyor; Kongo'da karşılaşılan zorlukları, gelişme düzeyİ düşük ülkelerin devrimci hareketleri açısından paha biçilmez örnek olduğunu, gelecekteki hareketlerin bu derslerden yararlanmaları gerektiğini düşünüyordu. Hatta buradaki İlkel durumu, Küba'da devrim yürüyüşü İlk başladığında Sierre Maestra'ya çıktıkları zamanki duruma benzettiğini söylüyordu. En çarpıcı olanı da Küba Devrimini zafere taşıyan, Yanki Emperyalizmine tavizsizce kafa tutan, bütün dünyanın efsanevi gerilla lideri sıfatıyla selam durduğu Che'nin, bu kadar geri bİr ülkedeki deneyiminin sonrasında, kendine yönelik eleştirel tutumundaki samimilik ve kendisiyle hesaplaşırken kelimelerinden yansıyan çocuksu acemilik...
Emperyalizmin Afrika Sömürüsü
Türkkaya Ataöv
2000 - İleri Yayınları
Prof. Dr. Türkkaya Ataöv, Afrika üzerindeki uzmanlığı uluslararası düzlemde kabul görmüş bir yetkilidir. Birleşmiş Milletler Genel Sekreterlik merkezinde Afrika ve ırk ayrımı konusunda seçkin uzmanlarda oluşan dizelgede yıllarca yer alan Ataöv, BM eski Genel Sekreteri Kurt Waldheim (sonradan Avusturya Cumhurbaşkanı) gibi önemli adlarla birlikte çalıştı. Nitekim, Afrika'nın önde gelen üniversitelerinden Bophuthatswana Üniversitesince 1993'te verilen akademik ödülde Prof. Ataöv hakkında şöyle denir: "Afrika bilimine ve araştırmalarına son otuz yıldır yaptığı olağanüstü katkısı ve Afrika'nın oluşumuna hizmetlerinden ötürü..." Ayrıca, Ataöv bağımsızlık sonrası Güney Afrika'daki resmi törenlere bizzat Nelson Mandela tarafından eşiyle birlikte davet edilen ilk ve tek Türk bilimadamıdır.
Dönüşüm Sürecindeki Sahra Altı Afrika Kalkınma, Güvenlik ve Ortaklık
Ufuk Tepebaş
2014 - Tasam
Üç ana bölümden oluşan çalışmada Sahra altı Afrika'daki bölgesel bütünleşme ve ekonomik dönüşüm süreci, yatırımlarda üst sıralarda bulunan ülkeler ve sektörler, Nijerya, Kongo Demokratik Cumhuriyeti, Somali, Sudan ve Güney Sudan gibi konumları ve yapıları itibariyle kıtadaki model ülkelerde yaşanmakta olan güvenlik sorunları ve Sahra altı Afrika ile Türkiye arasındaki çok boyutlu ilişkiler incelenmektedir.
Afrika Zengin Ama Yoksul
İbrahim Okur
2009 - Okursoy
Afrika Yoksul, çünkü dünyanın en yoksul 20 ülkesinden 19'u bu kıtadadır. Koleradan sarıhummaya, eboladan AIDS'e kadar her türlü hastalık kol geziyor. Açlık başlıbaşına büyük bir felaket. Her gün farklı bir bölgesinde katliam oluyor. Dünya ise izlemekle yetiniyor. Gorillerin, gergedanların davasını güden sayısız Batılı örgüt bölgede mevcut. Ne var ki kıta insanının davasını gözeten, karşı karşıya kaldığı felaketin gerçek nedenleri üzerine eğilen ve kamuoyunu doğru bilgilendiren güçlü bir örgüt yok. Var olan örgütler, sömürgeci güçlerin veto hakkı kullandığı örgütler. Afrika Zengin, çünkü elmastan altına, platinden tantala, bakırdan kroma, uranyumdan petrole kadar bütün madenler bu kıtada çıkarılıyor. Ne var ki bütün maden ocakları ve bereketli tarım alanları Beyazların elinde. Siyahlar faturayı ödüyor, Beyazlar hasılatı götürüyor. Bu kitap, Afrika'nın birbirine zıt söz konusu iki gerçeğini bir arada incelemektedir.
Afrika'yı Anlamak ve Afrika - Türkiye İlişkileri
Mustafa Efe
2015 - Murat Kitabevi
Afrika - Türkiye İlişkileri bölümünde Osmanlı Dönemi Afrika - Türkiye İlişkileri, Cumhuriyet Dönemi Afrika - Türkiye İlişkileri ve bu çerçevede Medya analizi, Türkiye'nin Afrika'ya Yönelik Eğitim Çalışmalarının analizlerini ve II. Afrika - Türkiye Zirvesi niçin görmezden gelindi makalelerini bulacaksınız. Bu bölümde son olarak da bu kitabın ve bundan sonrakilerin çıkış amacı olan Afrika Açılımı Yapan Türkiye için Nasıl Bir Afrika Perspektifi başlıklı makaleyi bulacaksınız. Bir seri halinde gelecek olan bu çalışmanın ilkinin ve başlığının Afrika'yı Anlamak ve Afrika - Türkiye İlişkileri olmasının da gerekçesi budur. Bizlerin öncelikle çalışma yapacağımız alanı tanımaya başlamamız, anlamamız, anlamlandırmamız, gerekli fizibilite çalışmalarını yapmamız gerekmektedir. Bu satırların yazarı Afrika çalışmalarına başlamadan önce daha önce Afrika'yı çalışmış olanları çalışarak bu işe başlamıştır. Yazar, on beş yıla yakın gözlemlerinin, arazide gerçekleştirdiği çalışmalarının ve arazi tecrübesinin, Afrikalılarla teşriki mesaisinin, onların konulara yaklaşımlarının ve beklentilerinin farkında olan bir gözle kaleme almıştır. Elbetteki ifade edilenler mutlak değildir ve dile getirilen düşünceler ve bilgiler tartışılmaya açıktır ve katkılar beklenmektedir. Yazarın, Afrika'nın yoksulluk, savaş, çatışmalarla anılmasına bir isyanı vardır. Dil, kültür, tarih, yeraltı ve yerüstü kaynaklarıyla inanılmaz derecede zengin bir kıtanın bu şekilde Batı tarafından inşa edilen imajla tanınmasından rahatsızlık duyduğu için Afrika'nın anlaşılmasına katkı sunacağını umarak bu çalışmaları ortaya koymuştur. Bu mazlum kıta Afrika'nın yaşadığı sömürgecilik, kölelik, iç savaşlar, dış müdahaleler, açlık, varlık, yoksulluk, zenginlik her ne varsa bunlar ancak ve ancak derinlemesine çalışılarak bugünkü yaşananlar anlamlandırılabilir. Bu kitabın amacı Ülkemizin önce Afrika'yı Anlaması ondan sonra da buraya yönelik çalışmalar yapılması konusunda bir bilinç oluşturmaktır. Afrika'nın anlaşılması konusuna eğer küçük de olsa bir katkı sunarsa yazar kendisini bahtiyar hissedecektir.
Dünya Siyasetinde Afrika
Neden “Dünya Siyasetinde Afrika?”Örneğin The Economist dergisi 2000'de “The hopeless continent” (ümitsiz kıta) olarak attığı başlığını, 2011'de “Africarising” (Afrika yükseliyor) olarak güncelliyor; kıtanın nüfusu bir milyarı geçiyor ve artık dünyada gelişen ilk 10 ekonomiden yedisi Afrikalı bir devlete ait oluyor.
Dünyada Afrika çalışmalarının sayıları artmakta ve çok ciddi bir literatür oluşmaktadır. Sadece Fransız, İngiliz veya diğer Avrupalı (geçmişte sömürge sahibi devletlerden değil), Çinli, Hindistanlı, ABD'li, Brezilyalı vb., Afrika konusuna ehemmiyet veren bilim insan ve kurumları çoğalmaktadır. Başlangıç noktasında olan Türkiye'de Afrika Çalışmaları'na ilişkin Dünya Siyasetinde Afrika adlı seri, 2014 yılından başlayarak literatüre Türkçe dilinde katkılar sunmayı hedeflemektedir. Elinizdeki eserde kıtaya ait farklı konular alanında yetkin isimler tarafından ele alındı. Fark edilebilir ki, kimi çalışmalar, kulvarında ilk olmaya namzetler.
Bu yapıtın yazarları şunlardır:
Prof. Dr. Ramazan ÖZEY , Yrd. Doç. Dr. İsmail ERMAĞAN, Doç. Dr. Giray FİDAN, Dr. Elem EyriceTEPECİKLİOĞLU, Doç. Dr. Murat AKTAŞ, Dr. Phil. Mustafa ACAR, Volkan İPEK, Mürsel BAYRAM, Öğ. Tğm. İzzettin ARTOKÇA, Dr. Phil. Atanur KARA, Burçin AYDOĞDU, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Gonca Oğuz GÖK, Doç. Dr. Oktay Salih AKBAY, E. Büyükelçi Numan HAZAR, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Bülent EŞİYOK
Bu çalışma için seçilen temel başlık ve temalar ise şu şekilde ifade edilebilir:
Afrika'nın Panoraması: Başlıca Siyasal-Ekonomik-Sosyal ve Kültürel Özellikler
Afrika'nın Küresel Aktörler İle İlişkileri: Çin ve ABD
Kıta Ülkelerinin Analizi: Cezayir ve Angola
Kıta'da Temel Sorunlar: Mali'de Tuareg İsyanı, Darfur Sorunu, Eş Şebab ve Boko Haram Terör Örgütleri ve Orta Afrika Cumhuriyeti'ndeki Çatışmalar
Afrika'da Eğitim ve Kalkınma: Güney Afrika, Nijerya ve Gana Örneği
Kıta'ya İlişkin Çeşitli Konular: Kenya Siyasal Sistemi ve Afrika'da İnsan Güvenliği
Afrika'da Ekonomi: Dünya Ticaretinde Afrika ve Afrika'da Bir Başarı Hikâyesi: Botsvana
Afrika-Türkiye Arasında İlişkiler: Siyaset ve Ekonomi
Saturday, December 19, 2015
POLS 485 . 01
Işık University http://www.isikun.edu.tr/en
Fall 2015 Monday 9:00 - 12:00
Dear all,
You will take the final exam online (YOU WILL RECEIVE THE ONLINE EXAM LINK ON MONDAY ONE HOUR BEFORE THE EXAM) on Monday between 15:00-16:00 PM and you will responsible from the following chapters:
Chapter 8. Africa in World Affairs (The African Experience)
Chapter-8 Colonialism in Crises (Modern Africa)
Chapter-9 The Conditions of Decolonization (Modern Africa)
Chapter-10 Raising National Flags: North-East Africa (Modern Africa)
Chapter-11 Libya and Maghrib (Modern Africa)
Chapter-12 South of the Sahara: French Colonies (Modern Africa)
Chapter-13 British West Africa: (Modern Africa)
Chapter-14 East and Central Africa: British Settler Colonies (Modern Africa)
Chapter-15 In Other Empires: Belgian, Portuguese, Spanish (Modern Africa)
Chapter-16 The 1980s: Unfinished Business (Modern Africa)
Chapter-17 History Begins A New (Modern Africa)
Chapter-18 Questions About National Stability (Modern Africa)
Chapter-19 Questions About Development (Modern Africa)
Chapter-20 Questions About Unity
You will find the chapters at: https://course.isikun.edu.tr/
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
POLS 485 . 01
Işık University http://www.isikun.edu.tr/en
Fall 2015 Monday 9:00 - 12:00
Dear all,
You will take the final exam online (YOU WILL RECEIVE THE ONLINE EXAM LINK ON MONDAY ONE HOUR BEFORE THE EXAM) on Monday between 15:00-16:00 PM and you will responsible from the following chapters:
Chapter 8. Africa in World Affairs (The African Experience)
Chapter-8 Colonialism in Crises (Modern Africa)
Chapter-9 The Conditions of Decolonization (Modern Africa)
Chapter-10 Raising National Flags: North-East Africa (Modern Africa)
Chapter-11 Libya and Maghrib (Modern Africa)
Chapter-12 South of the Sahara: French Colonies (Modern Africa)
Chapter-13 British West Africa: (Modern Africa)
Chapter-14 East and Central Africa: British Settler Colonies (Modern Africa)
Chapter-15 In Other Empires: Belgian, Portuguese, Spanish (Modern Africa)
Chapter-16 The 1980s: Unfinished Business (Modern Africa)
Chapter-17 History Begins A New (Modern Africa)
Chapter-18 Questions About National Stability (Modern Africa)
Chapter-19 Questions About Development (Modern Africa)
Chapter-20 Questions About Unity
You will find the chapters at: https://course.isikun.edu.tr/
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
Sunday, December 6, 2015
FM: China ready to help Africa's industrialisation
CCTV.com 12-06-2015
Foreign Minister Wang Yi says, as a good friend of Africa, China understands and supports its desire to speed up industrialisation. He says China has the will and capability to help with this process. Wang Yi made the statement at a press conference Saturday with his South African counterpart Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, marking the end of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in Johannesburg. Wang said after achieving political independence, African countries now need economic independence and to develop their own industrial systems as soon as possible. He added that China will strengthen cooperation with Africa on the basis of non-interference in African countries' internal affairs and equal consultations. China has many ties in production capacity with African countries, including Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania and South Africa. Industry has also been prioritized in the newly announced ten cooperation programs.
Foreign Minister Wang Yi says, as a good friend of Africa, China understands and supports its desire to speed up industrialisation. He says China has the will and capability to help with this process. Wang Yi made the statement at a press conference Saturday with his South African counterpart Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, marking the end of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in Johannesburg. Wang said after achieving political independence, African countries now need economic independence and to develop their own industrial systems as soon as possible. He added that China will strengthen cooperation with Africa on the basis of non-interference in African countries' internal affairs and equal consultations. China has many ties in production capacity with African countries, including Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania and South Africa. Industry has also been prioritized in the newly announced ten cooperation programs.
Xi's African Tour Highlights China's Expanding Security Role
Michael Cohen Ting Shi
To see China’s evolving foreign policy, look to Africa, where a desire to protect economic investment is leading to a revision of the country’s hands-off approach to the internal affairs of other nations. Chinese President Xi Jinping begins a five-day African visit on Tuesday that he’ll use to showcase China’s expanding role as a protector of regional security, as well as a provider of infrastructure and consumer of resources. China has pledged $100 million of military aid for the African Union, sent an infantry battalion to support peacekeeping efforts in South Sudan and deployed frigates to fight piracy off the Somali coast, leading the country to consider building its first overseas naval resupply station in Djibouti.
To see China’s evolving foreign policy, look to Africa, where a desire to protect economic investment is leading to a revision of the country’s hands-off approach to the internal affairs of other nations. Chinese President Xi Jinping begins a five-day African visit on Tuesday that he’ll use to showcase China’s expanding role as a protector of regional security, as well as a provider of infrastructure and consumer of resources. China has pledged $100 million of military aid for the African Union, sent an infantry battalion to support peacekeeping efforts in South Sudan and deployed frigates to fight piracy off the Somali coast, leading the country to consider building its first overseas naval resupply station in Djibouti.
China has helped Africa: Mugabe
Peter Fabricius
#Focac: Johannesburg - Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe told Chinese President Xi Jinping that he had done for Africa “what we expected from colonisers in history” by giving Africa a $60 billion aid package. Mugabe waxed lyrical in thanking Xi for the large aid package, which the Chinese president unveiled here today at the opening of the summit of the Forum for China-Africa Cooperation. Mugabe, speaking as chairperson of the African Union (AU) said Xi's speech had been “so rich in forms of assistance covering practically all our sectors, agriculture, mining, infrastructure, industrialisation ...” He added China's assistance package also included measures to help Africa's women and children. “It's so much, so many facets of assistance ... Here is the representative of a country once called poor. A country which never was our coloniser. He is doing to us what we expected colonisers in history to do. If they have ears to listen, let them hear.”
#Focac: Johannesburg - Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe told Chinese President Xi Jinping that he had done for Africa “what we expected from colonisers in history” by giving Africa a $60 billion aid package. Mugabe waxed lyrical in thanking Xi for the large aid package, which the Chinese president unveiled here today at the opening of the summit of the Forum for China-Africa Cooperation. Mugabe, speaking as chairperson of the African Union (AU) said Xi's speech had been “so rich in forms of assistance covering practically all our sectors, agriculture, mining, infrastructure, industrialisation ...” He added China's assistance package also included measures to help Africa's women and children. “It's so much, so many facets of assistance ... Here is the representative of a country once called poor. A country which never was our coloniser. He is doing to us what we expected colonisers in history to do. If they have ears to listen, let them hear.”
China's Expanding African Relations Implications for U.S. National Security by Lloyd Thrall
This report explores China's rapidly expanding involvement in Africa in order to better inform U.S. thinking about its relations both with China and with African states. The report pays particular attention to geostrategic competition in Africa, potential security threats, and opportunities on the continent. It examines the economic, political, and security interests driving Chinese engagement with African states and assesses potential medium-term changes in Sino-African relations across these three dimensions. It then assesses how China's interests and behavior on the continent affect the interests of the United States. In this matter, misperceptions often result from faulty assumptions about the potential for conflict over resources, images of Cold War–style geopolitical competition, and the nature of China's economic engagement with the continent. The report concludes by offering policy recommendations for U.S. and Army leaders concerned with U.S. security relationships with African states and with managing Sino-American relations in Africa. In particular, the report recommends that the United States should view China's sometimes-unfavorable activities in Africa in context and continue to seek opportunities to engage Beijing on mutual interests, such as defeating violent extremists, improving African infrastructure to promote trade and development, and encouraging economic and political stability on the continent.
This report explores China's rapidly expanding involvement in Africa in order to better inform U.S. thinking about its relations both with China and with African states. The report pays particular attention to geostrategic competition in Africa, potential security threats, and opportunities on the continent. It examines the economic, political, and security interests driving Chinese engagement with African states and assesses potential medium-term changes in Sino-African relations across these three dimensions. It then assesses how China's interests and behavior on the continent affect the interests of the United States. In this matter, misperceptions often result from faulty assumptions about the potential for conflict over resources, images of Cold War–style geopolitical competition, and the nature of China's economic engagement with the continent. The report concludes by offering policy recommendations for U.S. and Army leaders concerned with U.S. security relationships with African states and with managing Sino-American relations in Africa. In particular, the report recommends that the United States should view China's sometimes-unfavorable activities in Africa in context and continue to seek opportunities to engage Beijing on mutual interests, such as defeating violent extremists, improving African infrastructure to promote trade and development, and encouraging economic and political stability on the continent.
Xi in South Africa to strengthen bilateral ties, boost China-Africa cooperation
English.news.cn | 2015-12-03
PRETORIA, Dec. 2 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived here Wednesday for his second visit to the "rainbow nation" since becoming China's head of state. Besides meeting with South African leaders in an effort to strengthen bilateral ties, Xi will also co-chair with his South African counterpart, Jacob Zuma, a summit on China-Africa cooperation in Johannesburg. The South African side gave Xi a grand welcoming ceremony on Wednesday, during which a 21-gun salute was sounded and the two presidents inspected the guard of honor in front of the imposing Union Buildings, which houses the offices of the presidency. In their talks after the ceremony, Xi and Zuma discussed ways to further the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two emerging economies, and agreeing to lift bilateral ties to a new height by fully implementing the 5-10 Years Strategic Plan on Cooperation between the two nations.
PRETORIA, Dec. 2 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived here Wednesday for his second visit to the "rainbow nation" since becoming China's head of state. Besides meeting with South African leaders in an effort to strengthen bilateral ties, Xi will also co-chair with his South African counterpart, Jacob Zuma, a summit on China-Africa cooperation in Johannesburg. The South African side gave Xi a grand welcoming ceremony on Wednesday, during which a 21-gun salute was sounded and the two presidents inspected the guard of honor in front of the imposing Union Buildings, which houses the offices of the presidency. In their talks after the ceremony, Xi and Zuma discussed ways to further the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two emerging economies, and agreeing to lift bilateral ties to a new height by fully implementing the 5-10 Years Strategic Plan on Cooperation between the two nations.
China to deepen infrastructure cooperation with Namibia
English.news.cn | 2015-12-05
JOHANNESBURG, Dec. 4 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping expressed willingness to deepen practical cooperation with Namibia in infrastructure improvement during a meeting with Namibian President Hage Geingob here on Friday. The Chinese government encourages enterprises to actively take part in the construction and operation of transport facilities, ports and other infrastructure in the African country to promote its economic and social development, Xi told Geingob on the sidelines of a China-Africa summit. Namibia is an important partner of China in the African continent, Xi said, stressing China stands ready to work with Namibia to translate their traditional friendship into new impetus of cooperation and development. He called on the two sides to further political mutual trust and deepen all-round exchanges.
JOHANNESBURG, Dec. 4 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping expressed willingness to deepen practical cooperation with Namibia in infrastructure improvement during a meeting with Namibian President Hage Geingob here on Friday. The Chinese government encourages enterprises to actively take part in the construction and operation of transport facilities, ports and other infrastructure in the African country to promote its economic and social development, Xi told Geingob on the sidelines of a China-Africa summit. Namibia is an important partner of China in the African continent, Xi said, stressing China stands ready to work with Namibia to translate their traditional friendship into new impetus of cooperation and development. He called on the two sides to further political mutual trust and deepen all-round exchanges.
Black People Genocide Preparation Conference in Paris
Mawuna Remarque KOUTONIN
SILICON AFRICA - Saturday, June 13th, 2015
A panel of all white people in Paris talking about how to reduce black population in Africa.
One of the conference organizer, Bernard Lugan, said “Population growth in Africa is a threat to European civilization…
“I’m not recommending to drop a nuclear bomb on Africa but we can’t wait to see that population growth next to Europe. It’s a danger we have to take seriously” (video here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sARwDCt8cWM <– in French)
They plan to send money to various organizations to help fight against African population growth.
Read my counter post on the topic: http://www.siliconafrica.com/world-overpopulation/
If you are African and you work with those white people who want to destroy us, you are like those who assisted the european slave traders. No Excuses acceptable.
No single day now passes without the white elite talking about the danger of black population growth.
They are serious about their intention. They don’t hide. We have to be active in countering them.
Regarding their numerous past genocides, Europeans are still attracted to ideas which reminds as the fate of Native people in America and Aborigines in Australia.
SILICON AFRICA - Saturday, June 13th, 2015
A panel of all white people in Paris talking about how to reduce black population in Africa.
One of the conference organizer, Bernard Lugan, said “Population growth in Africa is a threat to European civilization…
“I’m not recommending to drop a nuclear bomb on Africa but we can’t wait to see that population growth next to Europe. It’s a danger we have to take seriously” (video here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sARwDCt8cWM <– in French)
They plan to send money to various organizations to help fight against African population growth.
Read my counter post on the topic: http://www.siliconafrica.com/world-overpopulation/
If you are African and you work with those white people who want to destroy us, you are like those who assisted the european slave traders. No Excuses acceptable.
No single day now passes without the white elite talking about the danger of black population growth.
They are serious about their intention. They don’t hide. We have to be active in countering them.
Regarding their numerous past genocides, Europeans are still attracted to ideas which reminds as the fate of Native people in America and Aborigines in Australia.
AU Chairperson lauds Chinese President's speech at FOCAC summit
English.news.cn | 2015-12-06
JOHANNESBURG, Dec. 6 (Xinhua) -- The Chairperson of African Union Commission (AUC) Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma on Saturday commended the speech delivered by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the opening ceremony of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Johannesburg on Friday. "President Xi Jinping's speech was great in the sense that it identified areas where Africa is interested in and which are in our agenda 2063. Those are areas we are going to cooperate on and take this relationship to new heights," Dlamini Zuma told Xinhua. In his keynote address at the first FOCAC summit held in Africa, President Xi Jinping outlined a raft of measures to revitalize Sino-Africa ties in key areas like trade, infrastructure, finance and investments, health and security. The AU Chairperson said African states are ready to cooperate with China in order to promote economic growth and social transformation. "We are going to cooperate with China whether in modernizing agriculture, infrastructure, energy, training of the young people and culture," Dlamini Zuma said.
JOHANNESBURG, Dec. 6 (Xinhua) -- The Chairperson of African Union Commission (AUC) Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma on Saturday commended the speech delivered by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the opening ceremony of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Johannesburg on Friday. "President Xi Jinping's speech was great in the sense that it identified areas where Africa is interested in and which are in our agenda 2063. Those are areas we are going to cooperate on and take this relationship to new heights," Dlamini Zuma told Xinhua. In his keynote address at the first FOCAC summit held in Africa, President Xi Jinping outlined a raft of measures to revitalize Sino-Africa ties in key areas like trade, infrastructure, finance and investments, health and security. The AU Chairperson said African states are ready to cooperate with China in order to promote economic growth and social transformation. "We are going to cooperate with China whether in modernizing agriculture, infrastructure, energy, training of the young people and culture," Dlamini Zuma said.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Xi, Mugabe eye practical cooperation
CCTV.com 12-02-2015
Chinese President Xi Jinping is on his first state visit to Zimbabwe where he has held talks in the State House with his counterpart Robert Mugabe. The two sides agreed to translate their time-honored friendship into stronger impetus for bilateral practical cooperation, so as to achieve common development and prosperity.
Chinese President Xi Jinping is on his first state visit to Zimbabwe where he has held talks in the State House with his counterpart Robert Mugabe. The two sides agreed to translate their time-honored friendship into stronger impetus for bilateral practical cooperation, so as to achieve common development and prosperity.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Zambia launches construction of China-funded hydro-power station
English.news.cn | 2015-12-02
CHIKANKATA, Zambia, Dec. 1 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese company will build a 750 megawatts hydro-power station in Zambia, which will be the third largest power plant in the country when completed. A launch ceremony was held last Saturday following the signing of a memorandum of understanding by the two countries last month. The Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro-power project, to be situated in southern Zambia's Chikankata district, about 90 kilometers from the capiyal Lusaka, is the largest investment in the country's energy infrastructure in 40 years. Eighty-five percent of the two billion U.S. dollar project will be funded by Chinese financial institutions while the other 15 percent by the Zambian government. The work will be carried out by China's Sino Hydro Corporation Limited. "This project also assures us of sustainable energy security as a nation because it will add a significant amount of power to the grid," Zambian President Edgar Lungu said during the ceremony.
CHIKANKATA, Zambia, Dec. 1 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese company will build a 750 megawatts hydro-power station in Zambia, which will be the third largest power plant in the country when completed. A launch ceremony was held last Saturday following the signing of a memorandum of understanding by the two countries last month. The Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro-power project, to be situated in southern Zambia's Chikankata district, about 90 kilometers from the capiyal Lusaka, is the largest investment in the country's energy infrastructure in 40 years. Eighty-five percent of the two billion U.S. dollar project will be funded by Chinese financial institutions while the other 15 percent by the Zambian government. The work will be carried out by China's Sino Hydro Corporation Limited. "This project also assures us of sustainable energy security as a nation because it will add a significant amount of power to the grid," Zambian President Edgar Lungu said during the ceremony.
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